Other than the arrival of maybe personal cell phones, computers and the internet itself, arguably no other technological phenomenon has taken over our every lives more drastically than social media. Social media has now even appeared on television commercials without need for explanation (hashtags at this year's Superbowl), and social media capabilities are now standardly … [Read more...] about Infographic: Social Media is Ruining Our Minds
Infographic: Using Social Media to Showcase Your Expertise
Social media is everywhere these days. The millions of users include both your colleagues and customers, which means that social media not only represents a mainstream media revolution, but it also represents a great opportunity to highlight your expertise within your industry. It's not just about jumping on the social bandwagon, either. Facebook users only actively communicate … [Read more...] about Infographic: Using Social Media to Showcase Your Expertise
Infographic: How a Smartphone Improves Your Life
Smartphones are much more than emails and telephone calls. There are a variety of applications available that can improve your business and your life. Quite simply, smartphones provide a wealth of information and a great collection of tools to help make your life easier. In this infographic, we’ll present a few aspects of your day-to-day life that can directly benefit from … [Read more...] about Infographic: How a Smartphone Improves Your Life